Uncharted Family113 – Uncharted Family Podcast

Today on the show we have Derek Loudermilk. Derek is one of those people who has serious experience with world travel and dropped by to today to tell us about some of the places he’s seen and adventure’s he’s had. And is now starting off on his own family adventure with his girlfriend and 10 week old son! Woohoo – More traveling families!

Derek is an entrepreneur and has worked in a couple of different ways, all location independent, which he will take on the road. Their long term goal would be to eventually live on all 7 continents over the span of their son’s school years. He’s gone a lot of places as a solo traveller but is looking forward to enjoying the difference of traveling as a family unit. It comes with a little more community and breaks down some more barriers than say a solo traveller.

We were excited to hear about his ideas of working on the go, and how entrepreneurship is on the rise in countries all around the world.  Be sure to listen to the whole episode to hear Derek take over the interview to ask Erik what he defines as an “adventure’ :)

Show Notes:

Derek’s Website ‘The Art of Adventure: HERE

LINK to Uncharted Family Podcast

LINK to The Art of Adventure Podcast


Family Travel Reminder:

There is no right or wrong way to do family travel. If you are passionate about taking a trip with your family, the best thing is to DO IT! Listen to that little voice inside your head telling you this is the right thing. Make it happen! Listen to this podcast and start building your plan today!


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  1. Tell your friends! It will make you seem less crazy since there are TONS of families who are ‘out there’ living and traveling in amazing ways. See? You’re normal!!
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