125- Tapped Out Travellers

IMG_8232125- Tapped Out Travellers

Today on the show we have Christine from the blog Tapped Out Travellers. She and her family moved to Germany 3 years ago with Army from Canada. Since then they have gotten to travel all around Europe using Germany as their home base.

Her son is in school there on base so it’s the same holiday time as her husband. Time, they use strategically to go (more…)

124- Abroad Life

ABROAD LIFE (1)124- Abroad Life

Today on the show we have Tim and Erin from the blog Abroad Life. They are wrapping up a very long family adventure and were able to share some of the highs and lows of a trip like this.
The idea for family travels started years ago during an especially snowing winter in Boston where they were living. Life was good…good jobs, nice home, kids were happy, but something told them (more…)

123- The Passport Kids

Passport Kids (1)123- The Passport Kids

Today on the show we have Nicole from the website The Passport Kids.We were grateful for the chance to talk to her before they head out on their one year adventure.

Based out of Canada, this family sees as much as they can as often as they can, close to home. But decided they wanted to do (more…)

121- Family with Latitude

Family with LatitudeToday on the show we have Nicole from the blog Family with Latitude. Their family of 4 is 2 months in to a 30 month travel adventure! They plan to travel to 30 countries in 30 months more or less. While currently in London, England, Nicole joined us today to talk about the planning of a trip this big and the adjustments they’re making as they start out.

Learning to live on the road had probably been the biggest (more…)

120- WorldTowning


120- WorldTowning

Today on the show we have Jessica and Will from the website WorldTowning. They are currently living in southern France and have been full-time traveling for over three years. First in Guatemala then in Ecuador and now on the south of France. This family decided a long time ago that they wanted to travel while they worked and they have made that dream a reality.

On the show they talk about why they chose (more…)

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