119- Raise Backpackers

RAISING BACKPACKERS119 –  Raise Backpackers

Today on the show we have Fiona from Raise Backpackers. She has traveled so much on her own before kids and now continues to see as much of the world as she can with her children.
She recalls back in her teens when her love for traveling began on a trip to Malaysia. She remembers walking down the street in a foreign city and even though was scary, she felt was excited and passionate about (more…)

118- Entre Family

entrefamily (1)118- EntreFamily

Today on the show we have Stephanie Langford from EntreFamily, currently in Guatemala to talk about how they got involved in family travel years ago and how it’s changed to what they do now.

Stephanie and her husband had the opportunity to spend a year in Japan as newlyweds which lit the fire under them for future world travel. After finding how they were pregnant and their year in Japan came to a close, they moved back home to Canada, knowing they would prepare for some future travel.

Fast forward several years and during the ups and downs of starting their own (more…)

116- Mountain Mom and Tots

116-Mountain Mom (1)116- Mountain Mom and Tots

Today on the show we have Susan from Mountain Mom and Tots. In the summer of 2016 they took a huge 6.5 week trip and camped throughout the West Coast National Parks!

Their family have always been outdoorsy people, Susan explains, who love to get outside and enjoy nature. This trip came at a great time when (more…)

115- Thrifty Family Travels

Thrifty Family

115- Thrifty Family Travels

Today on the show we have more Australian Adventurers, Melissa from Thrifty Family Travels, who shares about their family’s trips. She’s all about being thrifty, not cheap, but getting the best value they can for the experiences on the trip. Sometimes they take the more rustic way of travel or sometimes its a more plush travel style. Including a helicopter ride to see (more…)

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