11 – Explore Europe’s Back Roads with The Mariotti’s!

The Mariotti Family

The Mariotti Family, chillin’ in Malta

A family exploring Europe!

Sometimes people wind up in situations in life where they have to pinch themselves every morning to make sure it’s real. Rough, huh? but someone has to do it! Listen as the Mariotti’s tell us about their European adventures. (more…)

07 – “Jonesberries” – 55 Countries and counting!

jonesberriesTraveling Pilgrims!

OK, so we get to interview cool families right? Their website says it best: “We are pilgrims on unpaved roads, living creatively, openly, frugally, outrageously to bring peace to the global fringe!” Andrew and Debbie Jones, have traveled extensively across Europe, North Africa, New Zealand, USA, Asia, and all places in between. They have 5 kids, but often had their kids’ friends along for an adventure, and it all worked into a gypsy vagabond experience. They are now in New Zealand, and making plans for overland travel through Asia. They’re unstoppable!    (more…)

04 – Drinkald Family – Sailing from Turkey to Australia!

drinkald familySailing to Australia!

These people know how to live! Steve and Cheryl planned for a long time, but instead of ‘someday’ they made radical steps to make their dream a reality. They bought a sailboat in Turkey and spent 2 years sailing it 17,000 miles back to Australia.


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